Best Home Security Cameras to Protect Your Family and Property

Home Security Cameras

Are home security cameras the best option to protect your family and property?

The latest Crime in the United States report issued by the FBI reveals that a burglar enters a home every 14 seconds. An amazing 60 percent of these homes are occupied at the time of the break in. Further complicating the problem – almost 40 percent of the burglars carry a firearm.

With the drastic rise in home invasions and personal crimes in the last few years security cameras are becoming one of the most popular ways to protect your home.

Indoor and Outdoor Protection

Home security cameras are very versatile. They can be used in almost any area of the home and on any part of your property.

The basic installation areas include the doors and windows, perfect places for a burglar to enter the home. These cameras will catch the opening of a door or window and movement within the home.

Outdoor security cameras perform the same duties as the indoor cameras but are weather-proofed for outside protection.

These cameras are usually programmed to interact with other outdoor security features such as floodlights. Good places for outdoor cameras are doors and other entry points to your home, garage or other common area.

Going Wireless?

One of the first questions you have to ask is whether you want wired or wireless home security cameras. The majority of cameras operate on batteries or via electrical wires.

Wired security cameras never fail due to dead batteries. And there’s no chance of interference from other wireless devices like cell phones or internet.

However, battery powered wireless security cameras continue to operate during a power failure. Plus there’s no wires to cut so they may not be as hard to disable.

Both outdoor and indoor security cameras often have a motion sensor option. This means they start recording in response to any motion detected. This option also helps save battery power for wireless security cameras.

Risk Assessment

Before you choose a home security camera system, first look at your home and which areas you want to monitor. Every home is unique and will need its own configuration of cameras and components.

You can install home security cameras yourself or get it done by a professional. If you have a large property, it’s probably best to call in an expert security company.

Large properties require an extensive amount of work, more than the average homeowner can complete in a reasonable amount of time.

There are also benefits to doing it yourself. When you install the cameras yourself, you get familiar with how the system operates, how the cameras connect to the monitors, and how the cameras maneuver. You can also often save money – although this isn’t the main reason for doing it yourself.

Questions To Ask When Choosing Home Security Cameras

You have lots of other options when installing cameras as well. For example do you want cameras with night vision as well as day vision?

What range do you want to be able to record? What kind of resolution do you want the cameras to offer?

Obviously the more high tech you go, the more it may cost. However there’s nothing worse than having your home broken into and not being able to see a clear picture because the camera quality is poor.

Many people find it’s easiest to buy an entire system that encompasses everything they need. You can find some of the most popular camera systems – both wired, wireless, indoor and outdoor.

Related articles:

  1. Wireless Home Security Cameras
  2. Wireless Outdoor Security Cameras
  3. Best Home Security Systems